Greetings fellow gamers!
Today at "Heroic Training" I will present to you a rather curious hybrid character, created to fill the Leader role with the use of a shining blade and healing prayers. This character concept complements well the Tinkerblade build presented in an earlier post, adding to a party the much needed healing powers.
The concept presented here, may look a bit bland and flavorless at a first glance, but I can assure you that is not the case. And although all this character can achieve in a given combat is surge healing and saving throw enabling, the out of combat experience will be enlarged by the use of Restoration rituals which can make the journey of an adventuring party with a cruel DM, a pleasant breeze instead of an ongoing nightmare. So lets get started !
1. Class selection
In the beginning, we need to choose two hybrid classes that would blend well. In our case, we select the Paladin hybrid and the Cleric hybrid options. Combining a Leader class with dedicated healing prayers and a Defender which compliments the aforementioned powers, will come together in a well knit hybrid.
From the Paladin's bonus defenses I selected Reflex, which coupled with a heavy shield will bring in line a quite lackluster defense due to no Dexterity or Intelligence stat being used in this concept.
The hybrid class feature I picked from the Cleric list is Battle Cleric's Lore which unlocks the possibility of wearing Scale armour and a +2 shield bonus to AC. Also the target of the Healing Word is granted a +2 bonus to the attack roll. With this, we can forget about Paladin's armour proficiency
The deity choice is related to the Cleric's at-will Recovery Strike which needs a bit of a bump. Thus the deity chosen for this build is Sehanine, the goddess of Love, Moon and Trickery. Selenya worships her aspect of Love, fact underlined by the Power of Love feat selected below.
2. Race selection
There aren't many races that could help us cover this build's MAD-ness (Multiple Attribute Dependency) but there is one that stands out: the Deva. This race has the bonuses in Wisdom and Charisma (with Intelligence being a second option), a decent racial power and some nifty racial features that complete this well-rounded race well.
The feat support is great also, including the Battle Intuition feat which replaces Dex modifier for Wis modifier to calculate initiative and also grants a +2 feat bonus to it. A cornerstone feat for this character concept.
3. Choosing Theme and Background
There are quite a few good themes that can complement this build well, but I chose for it the Ordained Priest theme. From the two powers this theme allows me to choose, I picked the Smiting Symbol prayer which buffs an ally's defenses and grants him some temporary hit points. The power scales well with the character's level which means that as the character grows in power so does this prayer become more potent.
Because the build suffers from lack of Constitution, the background I chose comes from the Scales of War Adventure Path, and it is named "Auspicious Birth". This background benefit allows the character to calculate its 1st level hit points by using the highest ability score instead of Constution score. Although this character will lack surges per day, its surge value will be enhanced by this benefit starting from the first level.
4. Assigning Ability Scores
To solve the MAD-ness of this character concept, I used the double specialist array: 16, 16, 12, 12, 10, 8. The racial ability score selected is Intelligence.
First, I increased the Strength at 10 and decreased Dexterity to 8. Then I placed the 16 in Strength followed by 16 in Charisma. To underline the character's pious teachings I decided to place both 12 in Intelligence and Wisdom.
The final scores at level 1, after adding the racial modifiers, would look like that:
18 Strength
10 Constitution
8 Dexterity
14 Intelligence
14 Wisdom
18 Charisma
Every fourth level, remember to bump Strength and Charisma to increase the to hit values of your attack powers. If the character doesn't hit, its powers won't work.
5. Choosing Skills
First and foremost, this character concept revolves around the idea of a "well-rounded healer and smiter" so to speak. Thus, a good Heal skill is needed not only to grant our allies the use of their Second Wind, but to also Stabilize the Dying and Grant a Saving Throw. Also this skill is very useful to help Treat Disease, for those allies that don't have Endurance to shrug them off.
The second important skill, which underlines the scholarly approach of the concept is Religion. It is used to identify various Undead threats or to identify various Rituals and Areas generated by the use of this skill.
The third skill, Diplomacy is a very useful tool in social encounters where a party face is needed of none is present.
6. Choosing Powers
During the character's career, I looked for powers that allow me and my allies to spend healing surges and make saving throws against various effects they might be suffering from during combat. The healing is not proactive but reactive: if an ally is wounded past bloodied, it is good to use a healing encounter or if needed a daily power to bring that character to almost full hit points.
The downside of this approach is that the characters may run out of surges pretty quick and that forces a party to take an extended rest to recuperate and recovery. The good news is that with the use of a ritual (covered below), this will not be a very big issue.
* Level 1 powers *
Recovery Strike
Strike of Hope
Smiting Symbol (theme feature)
Healing Strike
Paladin's Judgement
The basic at-will power which this build will employ to maximum efficiency is Strike of Hope, which grants an ally some temporary hit points. In combat, this acts as a very good mitigation tool until bigger healing prayers need be employed.
Recovery Strike along with the Power of Love and Mark of Healing feats will enable this character to either trade the damage to grant an ally temporary hit points and a saving throw or enable the next ally that hits the target of this power to regain gain some Charisma mod. hit points.
The encounter power, Healing Strike, allows you or an ally to spend a healing surge and also comes up with a simple mark attached to it.
The theme power, Smiting Symbol is
here to buff an ally that has the habit of charging headlong into
combat, like a Barbarian or a melee Ranger. Use it early in any given
The Paladin's Judgement prayer is a good damage powerhouse and also can heal an ally within 5 sq. of you. A good reserve power at level one, used to bring back that squishy wizard out in the back ranks.
* Level 2 powers *
Resurgent Strength
A daily utility power which can be also applied to you. It also makes the party striker very happy because of the bonus to damage rolls.
* Level 3 powers *
Invigorating Smite
This encounter power acts more like an emergency button for you and your allies. Used in concert with the Benefactor's Armour encounter power, this can bring a party from bloodied, to full hit points in one go.
* Level 5 powers *
Hallowed Advance
From the Cleric list I picked a quite offensive daily power which allows me to bring an ally (preferably a melee Striker with a good melee basic attack) adjacent to the target, including in flanking position and allow him to spend a healing surge too. Useful to reposition one ally that has gone too far and left you exposed.
* Level 6 powers *
Restore Vitality
This utility power comes from the Paladin's level 2 list. Because this character will spend time in melee along the defenders and melee strikers, it may come in handy to deliver some healing in the front line too.
* Level 7 powers *
Resurgent Smite
It is the twin sister of Healing Strike but keyed on Charisma. With the Mark of Healing feat this also will grant a saving throw. This power has been chosen for the simple reason to have the Healing Strike twice, to compensate for the loss of a Healing Word usage.
* Level 9 powers *
Crucial Resurgence
When you are bloodied you can now exact some pain back and also heal everyone in 5 sq. of your position. Make sure your allies are positioned to gain the benefits of this power. It benefits from the Healer's Lore too!
* Level 10 powers *
Mass Cure Light Wounds
Now the character has access to a large area healing power that, coupled with the Mark of Healing will also grant a saving throw. The Charisma bonus to the heal provided is just gravy.
7. Choosing Feats
The concept revolves around the idea of combat field medic, but armed and quite dangerous. It is quite hard to hit it because it keeps its AC value near that of a full fledged Paladin and with the right party composition, it can bring to life in one single turn a battered and demoralized group. For this purpose, the selection of feats is made to emphasize this concept.
Level 1 - Hybrid Talent (Paladin's Channel Divinity)
The Channel Divinity power chosen is Divine Mettle which allows a party member to make a saving throw with an added Charisma modifier bonus. Later on it becomes even better.
Level 2 - Mark of Healing Besides giving the possibility of using very potent Restoration rituals it also enables any healing power to also grant a saving throw. Also useable when you attempt First Aid (enabling an ally's Second Wind).
Level 4 - Power of Love
You and your allies may have a good laugh when you read this but remember to further read the Recovery Strike at-will entry.
The character forsakes any damage dealt by the power to grant temporary
hit points to an ally and because it is a healing power it will also
grant a saving throw! Who's got the last laugh now?
Level 6 - Mettle Proven
Here is the reason of why Divine Mettle
is so cool. After a successful save, the ally also spends a healing
surge. Useful when too much ongoing damage has taken effect upon said
Level 8 - Battle Intuition
Show that Rogue that you can beat him at his own initiative game. With the Wisdom modifier
through the roof and with an added +2 bonus, you are guaranteed to act
first. Use this as an opportunity to scan the battlefield and if
necessary use the Readied actions or Delay after the Defender
Level 10 - Devout Protector Expertise
We close heroic tier with an expertise feat and a good one this is! Besides granting a +1 to attack rolls with weapons and holy symbols it also grants the allies you can see a +1 shield bonus to AC if you carry a shield. Stay alive!
8. Choosing the Right Gear
Few are the items instrumental to this build and they revolve around enhancing your healing powers. and your survivability. A list of them may be found below:
Pick up a longsword and use the Sunblade (level 4+) enchantment. It replaces all damage instances of your powers with Radiant damage and has a very nice close burst daily. Also it may second as a torch. Later on, a Weapon of Summer (level 15+) can be used to achieve the same effect, but the daily power is more defensively oriented.
On your offhand, make sure to pick up a Spiked Shield (yes it is legal) and enchant it with Rhythm Blade for a +1 AC and Ref bonus. This will spike your AC on par with that of a full fledged Paladin wearing a heavy shield. No, you still can't tank but with the Devout Protector Expertise, you can make sure that your defender will have his or her AC skyrocketing through the roof.
Because of the proficiency with Scale Armour , you have access to the Benefactor Armour enhancement which has two very potent healing powers. The encounter power on the armour can be well used along with Invigorating Smite to great effect as emergency button.
From heroic tier to epic tier this item will greatly enhance your healing prowess on all fronts. Healer's Brooch (level 4+) grants a bonus equal to the item's enhancement to your healing powers that allow the target to regain hit points. Basically 90% of your powers will benefit from this item, so pick it up from heroic.
Holy Symbol:
Although you don't have Implement powers, this item has a very nice daily power. The Symbol of Shared Healing (level 7+), allows the character to heal an ally when he will heal himself.
Pro Tip: Remember the rules regarding the Daily Magic Item Usage! If you use a Daily Magic Item power, you cannot use another such power from another item, until the next milestone or until an extended rest. Ask your DM about this rule for more information.
Rituals (special entry):
Because of the Mark of Healing feat, this character has access to Restoration rituals which are potent rituals concerning not only Raise Dead but also Remove Affliction and Comrade's Succor. The last one is a key ritual to be picked when the feat is taken for it will greatly increase the party survivability and endurance past the threshold given by the party member's healing surges.
9. Final Words
This character concept can be used along Tinkerblade as a "true healer". Whereas the Tinkerblade can assume a Defender's role, Selenya Woundmender will take the slot for the healing Leader. Because both builds go in melee, the three other party members (for an ideal 5-man party) can assume the ranged striker/mobile striker roles like Pursuit Avenger or Hunter Ranger.
It may seem a very dull build to play, until the party goes below bloodied and you are really needed. The temporary hit points from Strike of Hope and Recovery Strike will provide some measure of mitigation, whereas the rest of the encounter powers will serve as multiple Healing Word buttons. The daily powers are the prayers one should be wary about. Proper usage and careful timing are the key words here, although not as stringent as in the case of Tinkerblade.
Outside combat, Selenya Woundmender, is a capable healer with access to Restoration rituals provided she buys and learns them. At low levels, one such ritual is a must have: Comrade's Succor, which allows the party to pool together their healing surges and spread them around to less fortunate party members.This allows the party to press forward in situations it normally could not.
Pro Tip: Remember to buy a Spellbook when you acquire the Mark of Healing feat and purchase some Restoration rituals along the way. Make a "wish list" and hand it over to your DM for consideration.
You may notice that this build becomes a competent party face too. Even without Diplomacy trained, the bonus is decent and can be used to aid the party face sweet-talk some important NPC's to aid your cause.
Download the file here (level 10 character in *.dnd4e format; use "Save Link As").
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