Astral Vortex – Ritual
A magical field of intense and coordinated energy from the Elemental Chaos, used by an arcane wielder to create a bridge between worlds, to transport beings and objects. This huge amount of energy causes exhaustion to the caster and depletes all his powers, except his At-Will’s. Beings thus transported, may or may not loose their items, depending on the caster’s Arcane check:
- 25 – 30: Loose all items of Heroic and Paragon and Epic tier except artefacts and intelligent items.
- 31 – 40: Loose all items of Heroic and Paragon tier except artefacts and intelligent items.
- 41 – 45: Loose all items of Heroic tier except artefacts and intelligent items.
Cost: 20 AD worth of Arcane components.
Cast time: 1 hour of unintreruptible focus.
Target: Allies located in other worldly realms, except Planar realms.
Intelligent items
- Gelem’Arr, The Bow of The Unbreakable Vows
Weapon: Greatbow
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage
Critical: +3d6 psychic damage
Property: After a short rest or extended rest, choose one of the following: beast, magical beast, humanoid, animate. If you hit with this weapon, the chosen type, you deal an extra 1d6 +Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Property (Daily): Minor Action. You may change the type of creature, you have chosen through the property, for the rest of the encounter.
Property: Action Critical – If you spend an action point to take an attack action, the weapon is treated as having the High Crit property, until the end of your next turn.
- Luna, Claw of the Infinite Shadows
This dagger, seems to flow through shadows around it, revealing it’s obsidian-like blade only in the moonlight.
Weapon: Dagger
Enhancement: +3 attack and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 poison damage
Property (Encounter): Immediate Reaction. Use this power when an enemy would hit you with a melee attack. After the attack is resolved, you gain concealment against the attacker and you may shift a number of squares equal to half your speed.
Property(Daily): When you roll a Stealth check and beat the Passive Perception check of any enemy within 5 squares, you can teleport to the nearest enemy in a 5 squares range and make a melee basic attack, instead of gaining concealment. You still benefit from combat advantage and you may apply your Sneak Attack feature even if you expended it.
- Cha’Keram, Axe of the Wolf
Weapon: Waraxe
Enhancement: +3
Critical: +3d6 untyped
Property: Wielder of this axe, gains +1 Fort and +1 Ref defense, while wielding this axe 2handed.
Property (Encounter): Before you roll initiative. You and your allies withn 5 squares of you, gain a bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement to attack and damage, for the first round of combat.
Property (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. An ally is hit by a Melee or Ranged attack. The ally gains versus that attack a value to it’s defenses, equal to the weapon’s enhancement.
Because the heroes came through the Vortex almost naked, they receive the following items:
- Weapon: Gelem’Arr, The Bow of The Unbreakable Vows
- Armor: Repulsion Drowmesh +3
- Luckbender Gloves (Heroic tier)
- Brooch of Shielding +2
- Weapon: Luna, Claw of the Infinite Shadows
- Weapon: Shuriken +1 (30)
- Armor: Elven Battle Drowmesh +3
- Boots of Stealth (Heroic tier)
- Helm of Battle (Heroic tier)
- Weapon: Cha’Keram, Axe of the Wolf
- Armor: Serpentskin Hide Armor +3
- Bracers of Defense (Heroic tier)
- Belt of Blood (Heroic tier)
- Eidolon, named Dark Crow
- Increase level and tier to 21, Solo Elite Controller (Leader)
- Karalyn
Karalynn, level 14
Shadar-kai, Swordmage, Ghost Blade
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault
Str 16, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 24, Wis 11, Cha 9.
Str 13, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8.
AC: 32 Fort: 26 Reflex: 28 Will: 23
HP: 107 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 26
Arcana +19, Endurance +13, Athletics +14, Insight +12, Stealth +20
Acrobatics +10, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +14, Intimidate +6, Nature +7, Perception +7, Religion +14, Streetwise +6, Thievery +8
Level 1: Devious Jaunt
Level 2: Intelligent Blademaster
Level 4: Armor Proficiency (Hide)
Level 6: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 8: Skill Training (Stealth)
Level 10: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Level 11: Danger Sense
Level 12: Secret Stride
Level 14: Greater Swordmage Warding
Swordmage at-will 1: Lightning Lure
Swordmage at-will 1: Booming Blade
Swordmage encounter 1: Lightning Clash
Swordmage daily 1: Dimensional Thunder
Swordmage utility 2: Eldritch Speed
Swordmage encounter 3: Dual Lightning Strike
Swordmage daily 5: Lingering Lightning
Swordmage utility 6: Armathor’s Step
Swordmage encounter 7: Spikes of Agony
Swordmage daily 9: Blade Bolt
Swordmage utility 10: Feywild Grace
Swordmage encounter 13: Dimensional Slash (replaces Lightning Clash)
Feytouched Earthhide Armor +3, Mithrendain Steel Fullblade +3, Elven Cloak +3, Eladrin Boots (paragon tier)
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Terennis will teleport the adventurers at the outskirts of a small city in the human dutchy of Staghorn, in the Kingdom of Karabor, called Forestwall. Terennis’s apprenitce, awaits them at the outskirts, hinting the players that they might find something useful at the local temple of Melora, then he leaves to his tower. Players may go from time to time, to sell their loot or get items enchanted, from time to time (only enchantments from level 1 to 5) or aquire magic items (heroic tier) or reagents.
Population: 545
Size: Small town
- Town Hall
- Inn (The Rugged Boar)
- Stables (Normal horses: 75 gp)
- Temple of Melora
- Leatherwork shop
- Stonemason
- Blacksmith
- Tailor
- Bakery
- Mill
- Brewery
Walls: Simple Stone Walls
Gates: 3
- Forest Gates (East)
- Emperor’s Road (North, to Veluna)
- Moon’s Gate (South, to Mountains)
- Mayor: Bella Morrowsong (Human, Lvl 10, Noble [Leader]): Bella though runs the city pretty well, isn’t aware of any cultist activities, at least recently. All the information, the players may get from her is that some strange people were seen a week ago, followed by a somewhat strange fellow. Some say it was a little to grey-skinned for an elf, but he didn’t stay too much to raise any odd questions. She points to the Priestess for more information.
- Innkeeper: Aleris Garadwen (Half-Elf, Lvl 6, Commoner [Minion]): Aleris knows some come and goes in the city and will tell it to the players for a right price. He does not speak unless spoken to and asked about certain recent events. For a sum of 50 gp (sent by the Mayor), or a Easy Skill Challenge (4 Successes before 2 failures; Insight, Diplomacy, Intimidate), players find out that some strange fellows, donned in black robes, passed a week ago, through the town, going to Veluna, followed by a gray-skinned elf, few days later. The strangers bought almost all the whole supply of swords from the Blacksmith, then left in the dead of night. If they botch the skill challenge, the innkeeper tells them nothing about the strangers or the gray elf.
- Blacksmith: Tormel Blackhammer (Human, Lvl 6, Commoner [Soldier]): When he is approached, Tormel is working on his anvil, very focused. Players need either to wait, or roll a DC 15 Bluff check, to draw attention. If he is interrupted, Tormel is unfriendly and responds monosyllabicaly to any player line of inquiry. If they wait for him to finish, the may get the Secondary Quest: A pelt for Winter.
- Priestess of Melora: Eawenna Sunglade(Half-Elf, Lvl 8, Acolyte [Healer]): For a fee, Eawenna, will heal the wounded players and cure them of any diseases and poisons, level 10 max(100 gp). She also sells potions, level 8 max. On a medium skill challenge (6 successes before 3 failures) they find out that the gray elf stranger that passed few days ago, came to pray to the temple and since then, strange things have happened. If they succeed, it opens up the quest: Hallowed be thy name.
- Miller Milton
- Tailor Ellis
- Baker Olena
- Brewer John
- Cultists of the Dark Crow
The players need to persuade the locals for information. A Streetwise check of DC 18, will direct the players to either the Mayor (FAIL) or to the Innkeeper (SUCCESS).
Skill challenge: Innkeeper
XP: 250
Type: 1 (4 S vs 2 F)
Skills: Insight, Diplomacy, Intimidate
Insight – The players notice that the Innkeeper might have something to tell, but for a right price (DC 15)
Diplomacy – The players try to lower the price from 50 gp to 30 gp (DC 18)
Intimidate – If the diplomacy fails, they might try a DC 18 Intimidate,through a new insight check DC 20.
If the players succeed, see above @ Innkeeper entry. Also, Innkeeper points at the Priestess for more information. If the players spoke firsthand with the Innkeeper there will be no skill challenge. If the players spoke with the mayor, the priestess sends them to the Innkeeper. The skill challenge appears if the players try to find out more, but a Religion check DC 18, will sort out something wrong with the altar of Melora triggering the skill challenge.
XP: 350
Type:2 (6 S vs 3 F)
Skills: Religion, Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate
Religion (DC 18): Player senses a disturbance in the divine energies around, like something tries to shut off or cloud the divine powers from Melora.
Diplomacy (DC 18): Players try to convince the NPC’s of their good intention and their desire to help.
Bluff (DC -): Success in Diplomacy, yields that Bluff will be a failure
Insight (DC 16): The players realize that eventually the altar will be overrun by the malign energies, which triggers another use of Diplomacy at DC 16.
If the players succeed in this challenge, they gain access to Hallowed be thy Name.
Secondary Quests:
- Hallowed be thy Name:
- 4 Bonecrushers Skeletons (MM2, page 183)
- 1 ore eye of Gruumsh (level 5 controller, MM 204)
- 2 zombie hulk (level 8 brute, MM 275)
Setting: Graveyard
Time: Dusk
Conditions: Rain created small patches of difficult terrain, which the dark priest uses as strategic points.
The players, find a strange crude amulet, made of crow feathers, with a small obsidian shard, shaped as an eye. A DC 25 Arcana or a DC 20 Religion, reveals it to be the rogue eidolon implement of power, given to his acolyte priests.
- A pelt for Winter
- 3 Cave Bears (MM 1, page 29)
- 1 Dire Bear (idem)
Setting: Small grove cave
Time: -
Conditions: Good illumination, some terrain elements, like trees, provide cover, some bushes provide concealment.
- Road to Veluna
The road to Veluna takes 2 straight days riding. In the first day, there is a roadside ambush, made by some thugs. They are simple thugs, payed by Karalynn to delay, hinder or otherwise stop any travelers, going to Veluna.
- 1 Human Hexer (MM2, page 146)
- 2 Human Javelin Dancer (MM2, page 147)
- 1 Human Knife Fighter (MM2, page 147)
Setting: Roadside
Time: Dusk
Condition: Road with few patches of difficutl terrain, bushes that grand concealment and trees that grant concealment.
In the second day, roll a d10:
1-3: Nothing happens
4-7: Wild animals (wolf, boar or bear) – IDEM as for “A pelt for Winter. OR 3 Dire wolves (MM1,p. 264)
8 -10: Sudden storm, players need to find immediate shelter! DC 15 Nature, to find a small grove and shelter themselves from the storm. A DC 25 Arcana, will reveal that it is a magical storm.
After the storm clears, the players will reach Veluna in the third day.
- Veluna
A Streetwise check of DC 15 points them to the nearest unnocupied inn, the Flourished Rose, a cheap but comfy inn in the lower part of the city, where this whole celebration will arrive only by dusk. Arriving at the inn, they note that some shady figures took residence there. A perception check of DC 30, will enable the players to see that they are fully armed and ready for battle but they try to leave the impression of relaxation.
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