Due to popular request, the following items have been modified:
Gelem’Arr, The Bow of The Unbreakable Vows
This oaken greatbow, speaks vows of doom, for the wielder’s foe.
Weapon: Greatbow
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage
Critical: +3d6 psychic damage
Property (At-Will): Free Action. All
damage dealt by this weapon is cold damage. Another free action returns
the damage to normal.
Property: After a short rest or extended rest, choose one of the
following: beast, magical beast, humanoid, animate. If you hit with this
weapon, the chosen type, you deal an extra 1d6 +Wisdom modifier psychic
Property (Daily): Minor Action. You may change the type of creature,
you have chosen through the property, for the rest of the encounter.
Property: Action Critical – If you
spend an action point to take an attack action, the weapon is treated as
having the High Crit property, until the end of your next turn.
[REPLACED, see above]
**Also Nero replaced the Luckbender Gloves with Bracers of Archery.
Cha’Keram, Axe of the Wolf
This axe howls with the fury of a thousand wolfpacks
Weapon: Waraxe
Enhancement: +3
Critical: +3d6 untyped
Effect: When wielded, the axe summons
three ghostly wolves that act like a pack around the wielder. They
behave properly for every property effect, then vanish. They cannot be
manipulated, dispelled and they don’t interfere in any measure with the
Protector of the pack: Usage of the daily power, sets in motion the illusion of this wolf.
Readied wolf scout: Usage of the encounter power.
Alpha male’s will: Effect of the first weapon property.
Property: Wielder of this axe, gains +1 Fort and +1 Ref defense, while wielding this axe 2handed.
Property (Encounter): Before you roll initiative. You and your allies
withn 5 squares of you, gain a bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement
to attack and damage, for the first round of combat.
Property (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. An ally is hit by a Melee or
Ranged attack. The ally gains versus that attack a value to it’s
defenses, equal to the weapon’s enhancement.
Gelem’Arr suffers one more change:
Property: After a short rest or extended rest, choose one of the
following: beast, magical beast, humanoid, animate. If you hit with this
weapon, the chosen type, you deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier, psychic damage.
Cha’Keram, Axe of the Wolf, will also be changed:
This axe howls with the fury of a thousand wolfpacks
Weapon: Waraxe
Enhancement: +3
Critical: +3d6 untyped
Property: Wielder of this axe, gains +1 Fort and +1 Ref defense, item bonus.
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