In the second day, roll a d10:
1-3: Nothing happens
4-7: Wild animals (Boar, MM1, p. 35 ) – IDEM as for “A pelt for Winter. OR 3 Dire wolves (MM1,p. 264)
8 -10: Sudden storm, players need to find immediate shelter! DC 15 Nature, to find a small grove and shelter themselves from the storm. A DC 25 Arcana, will reveal that it is a magical storm.
After the storm clears, the players will reach Veluna in the third day.
- Veluna – DAY 3
A Streetwise check of DC 15 points them to the nearest unnocupied inn, The Flourished Rose, a cheap but comfy inn in the lower part of the city. Arriving at the inn, they note that six shady figures retreat at one of the inn’s private tables, area covered with a thick burgundy drape . A Perception check of DC 30, will enable the players to hear them talk, but they barely understand something, because they speak in Deep Speech. One of the shady figures, keeps out for prying ears and eyes, and he actively rolls Perception every 3 rounds, being ready for combat. The DC opposes the player’s Stealth.
If the player’s are noticed, they keep the element of surprise for another three rounds, then they attack.
- Encounter – Inn Fight!
- 1 Human Knife Fighter (MM2, p.147 ->raise by one level [+8 HP, +1 Saves, AC, Attacks])
- 2 Human Berserkers (MM1, p.163 -> raise by 4 levels [+40HP, +4 Saves, AC, Attacks, 2d6+5])
- 3 Human Lackeys (MM1, p.162 ->raise by 1 level [+1 Saves, Attack, AC])
The players have 10 rounds to resolve the fight in a quiet manner, without attracting the attention of the guards. However, there is a 30% chance that a guard will patrol that area. Once every three rounds, roll one d100 to see if a patrol passes around the inn.
If the guards arrive, they try to pacify everyone, dealing non-lethal damage, until combatants reach bloodied value and remain unconscious, to arest them. If the players engage the guards also, along the villains, one of the guards will flee and call for reinforcements, which arrive in 3 rounds time. These new guards are Elite and they will bring a spellcaster with them (Battle Cleric of Bahamut)
If the players manage to stay out of the conflict, the villains are eventually defeated, but before they manage to cuff and arrest them, they gargle a small vial of poison and kill themselves. The players are given a warning and a paynote for the whole mess. This will substract from their pockets 100 gold pieces.
The night goes on without incidents and the players manage to get some sleep with ease.
Oddly enough, the players manage to wake up at almost ten o’clock. They are well rested, but something like a fog still clouds their senses. An Insight check of DC 20, will reveal that it was some kind of poison either in the air or in their foods, but with few informations at their disposal, they need to shrug the efect off. A DC 25 Endurance check will shrug the effects of this poison off. A failed check, means a 12 hour, -1 penalty to speed and -2 penalty to opportunity attacks.
ITEM: Slug poison
Delivery: Airborne
Package: Small leathery pockets filled with a inodorous, pink dust.
Check: Arcana DC 20 (depends on level) – Alchemy
Effects: The targets that inhales this fungus like dust, move slowly and are slow to react to danger. They take a -1 penalty to speed and a -2 penalty to opportunity attacks.
Price: 200gp per bag
Going down at the inn’s common room, they notice that it is almost empty. Except the regulars, there is only the Innkeeper, a human female. She informs the playes, after she serves them lunch, that almost everyone is in the upper quarters of the city, celebrating in the Fair, the birthday of the Duke’s daughter, Lady Aalana.
The players might attend the Fair or wait for the Ducal Cortege to pass by. Either choice, will bring them to the event described lower. The Fair is very lively, and almost 80% of the citizens attend it. It is crowded and the heat is intense. There are voyaging merchants with sweets and food, there are vendors with various trinkets. Some of them have some wondruous items to sell (Herioc tier). All items are 80% overpriced.
During the Fair, five disruption’s occur in the same time:
- Event 1 – Sewer rats!
- 5 Rat Swarms (MM1, p.219)
- 3 Wererats (MM1, p.180 -> raise by 4 levels [80 HP, +4 Saves, AC, Attacks, +2 dmg, dice:1d8])
- 2 Werewolves (MM1, p.181)
The guards try to intervene in time, but are clobbered by the human mob that tries to run. Players may aviod the mob, rolling every 3 rounds a DC 20 Streetwise. A failed check means that they are immobilised by the erratic crowd for one round. It takes the players to reach ANY event 5 rounds.
- Event 2 – Thugs!
- 3 Halfling Thiefs (MM1, p.152 – >raise by 5 levels [65 HP, +5 Saves, AC, Attacks, +2 dmg])
- 3 Halfling Prowlers (MM1, p.153 -> raise by 2levels [57 HP, +2 Saves, AC, Attacks, +1 dmg])
- 5 Halfling Stouts (MM1, p.152 -> raise by 4 levels [+4 Saves, AC, Attacks, +2 dmg])
- Event 3 – Food fight gone wrong!
- Insight DC 18: A simple food fight that has gone awry because of the bad words said by some of the instigators. If they are succesful, they may identify and track down the instigator’s that now run.
- Streetwise DC 22: In the midst of the food and fist fight, players try to chase down the instigators. A successful check, opens Stealth check and allows the players to pursue the bad guys without being noticed. A failed check, means that they loose them in the crowd.
- Stealth DC 25: Moving along with the crowd, the players manage to pursue the villains without being noticed. This opens another Streetwise check, to find out their bearings in this urban environment, they are unfamiliar with. A failed Stealth check, means that the villains notce their pursuers and are entitled to a Stealth roll of their own, made at +10, adding +1 for every element of the mob around them, totaling a +16 Stealth Check. If the Passive Perception of one player manages to beat the Stealth check of the villains, the pursue continues as normal.
- Streetwise DC 30: The players are aware of their surroundings and know exactly where they are headed. A failed check by 5 or more, means that the players are lost, but still able to pursue the villains. A failed check by 10 or more, means that the pursue ends, because the players get lost in the city. If the skill check is succesful, it opens the Perception check.
- Perception DC 30: One of the players spots a simple shortcut to get closer to the pursued villains. If they succeed, they are close enough to the villains to commence combat.
Use the Halfling encounter monster table for this encounter. The guards try to pacify the crowd, but it will take them some time, almost 10 rounds. For every round, DM rolls a d10. On a roll of 7, 8 ,9, 10, the guards manage to get the crowd under control. Under 7, it means one extra round for the guards to pacify the crowd. From the 5th round and beyond, the crowd masses against the guards, who summon more reinforcements. If the event takes more than 15 rounds, the guards are overwhelmed and special forces are then deployed who pacify the area in 3 rounds time.
- Event 4 – Murder of a noble! (XP: 1200)
- Perception DC 25: One of the player’s spots an archer that takes aim against a noble citizen, then shoots. He manages to disapear from sight, jumping from building to building.
- Athletics DC 20: Players climb a building in order to start the chase. Every fail, gives the assassin one more round to escape. He escapes in 6 rounds.
- Acrobatics DC 18: Players chase the assassin, jmping from building to building. One failed check, gives the assassin one more round, plus one extra round for the failed player to repeat his Athletics check, but ad DC 15.
- Insight DC 22 – One player identifies and devises a more efficient way to catch the assassin. For every successful check, substract a round from the assassin escape route. For every failed one, add one round for the assassin escape route.
- Streetwise DC 30 – Players know where they are in the city and manage to find a short route. For every successful check, substract 1 round from the assassin escape route. For every failed check, the players get further lost, thus adding 2 rounds to the assassin escape route.
If they catch trail of the assassin, she rolls a Stealth Check (SEE CHAR SHEET FOR ASSASSIN) and has surprise round. If she is brought to bloodied value she commits suicide with the same strange poison vial.
After these events, players will hear from one guard who talks to his superior, that they contained the situation, and it is safe for the cortege to proceed. The castle is near and in the sound of trumpets and drums, Lady Aalana and the prince consort, come out through the castle gates. They are followed by the regular army of Veluna, led by her father, the Duke of Veluna.
During the ceremony, there is a rousing, when some cloaked figures attack the cortege. An Insight DC 20, reveals that they look very much like the ones met at the Inn. In the ensuing chaos, players may try to help and reach the Ducal Cortege, but they are at a 12 round distance. For a DC24 Streetwise check, that decreases for each success the number of rounds by 3, they will manage to get near the Cortege.
Also they might choose to fight their way through. Use the Human encounter for monster statistics. They need three such fights to reach the cortege, because the mob usually avoids the fight. There is a 30% chance that some innocent bystander will enter adjacent to any enemy or player and knock the target prone (Atk +11 vs Ref, damage 5).
While they are near the Cortege, they notice a shady figure, that simply appears near the Duke, and simply thrust it’s blade into the him, killing the Duke. The shady figure, then gives a signal, and all other shady figures, drink their poison vials. Then the assasin dissapears, becoming invisible.
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